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Leaders Find A Way for the Team to Win!


Developing School Leaders to Achieve Breakthrough Student Results. 




To Achieve Breakthrough Student Results by Growing School Leaders in the Areas of  1. Developing a Clear School Mission  2. Promoting Higher Expectations for Student Success  3. Strengthening Instructional Leadership   4. Frequently Monitoring Student Progress  5. Increasing Student Engagement in the Classroom and  6. Facilitating a Safe and Orderly Environment. 

About Me 


Bill Parker. Masters of Administration and Supervision. Served as a classroom
teacher, department chair, assistant principal and principal in the Richmond / Henrico County, Virginia
school divisions. Served as a keynote speaker, workshop presenter, principal coach and
external lead partner. Under his leadership Henrico High School attained full accreditation in his
first year as principal. Recognized as the Instructional Leader of the Year in Henrico County
Public Schools and Virginia High School Principal of the Year. Upon retirement in the Virginia
School System, served as the Executive Director of Secondary Schools and Career and
Technical Education in Mooresville Graded School District in North Carolina.  In addition all subgroups (low economic students, exceptional education students, African American students and Hispanic students) had a graduation rate of over 90%. Parker also served as an adjunct professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, teaching leadership courses to aspiring school administrators. Serves as the Vice President for Community Development for a Dropout Recovery Program. Currently serves as a principal coach in Gary, Indiana.  








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